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The Bradclad Group
The Bradclad Group is a collection of companies engaged in the design, manufacture and supply of metal roof systems and related products.
With a sales office in the North East of England, we operate regionally, nationally and internationally, through a series of subsidiary companies and associates.
Established in 1991, Forrest Maughan Associates offered architects and contractors a unique service in designing and detailing complex and sophisticated metal roof systems.
The Northern Metal Roofing and Yorkshire Metal Roofing businesses have supplied a range of roofing materials across the UK into both the agricultural and industrial sectors.

Today, Bradclad specialises in the manufacture and supply of secret fix metal roofing systems under the Pro-Zip and Pro-Seam brands. We have been involved in some iconic projects across the globe from airport terminals to industrial complexes.
Our Solarbond division supplies thin film lightweight flexible solar modules. We have developed a unique range of adhesives which allow these to be incorporated onto both new and existing roofing systems. From profiled metal roofs on industrial warehousing to single ply membranes on flat roofs, we can offer a cutting edge and highly efficient solar solution.